Nano 3.0 controller

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This tiny microcontroller can support your projects from lighting something up to driving a robot!
  • 20 digital I/O ports: Rx/Tx, D2~D13, A0~A5
  • 8 analog I/O ports: A0~A7
  • 6 PWM ports: D3, D5, D6, D9, D10, D11
  • Architecture: ATMega 168P (red board), ATMega 328P (Black and Blue board)
  • Supports serial and ISP download
  • Input Voltage: 7-12V DC
  • Operating voltage: 5V
  • Lithium battery supported while plugged into the Vcc pins
  • 16MHz clock frequency
  • EEPROM: 1Kb
  • SRAM: 2Kb
  • Flash Memory: 32Kb, 2Kb used for bootloader